Click the Donate box below or write a check and mail to our PO Box.
One Act of Giving Foundation
PO Box 511281
New Berlin, WI 53151
Graciously accepting your donations all year long. Thank you!
PO Box 511281
New Berlin, WI 53151
We ask not for ourselves, we ask for our Veterans.
The One Act of Giving Foundation is recognized
as a nonprofit organization by the IRS Code:
Section 501(c) (3) Tax Identification #82-1585669
The One Act of Giving foundation
is a group of Christian men and women who believe that instead of asking for a blessing for ourselves, we'll be a blessing for someone else. We raise money to help our local Wisconsin Veterans in need.
We are very proud to be able to work closely with the Wisconsin Veterans Network to give back to those Vete
The One Act of Giving foundation
is a group of Christian men and women who believe that instead of asking for a blessing for ourselves, we'll be a blessing for someone else. We raise money to help our local Wisconsin Veterans in need.
We are very proud to be able to work closely with the Wisconsin Veterans Network to give back to those Veterans who are in need of assistance in rent, energy, medication, schooling, minor home repairs, food, clothing and more. Some of these brave Veterans are homeless, most are not but just need a hand up getting back on their feet. We write the checks and personally see where the money goes and how it helps our Veterans.
We also honor our Veterans by supporting Missouri's National Veterans Memorial. The One Act of Giving "Honor Trip" (2 day trip) pays for a Veteran, and a companion, to travel to Missouri's National Veterans Memorial in Perryville, MO. There is no charge to the Veteran, and companion, whatsoever. The Memorial in Perryville is an exact replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. and so much more. It is truly a moving experience for our Veterans.
With your generosity, we're dedicated to making a difference in a Veterans life. All of us perform one act of giving, equaling many acts of giving, which brings us to Acts 20:35. In short it says, “It is better to give than to receive”.
Please Make a Donation today on our Donation Page.
Thank You!
Yes! 100% of your donations go to local Veterans in need. Pretty inspiring and bold? No, not really. What our Veterans have done is inspiring and bold. They have inspired us at OAG to volunteer our time and effort to give back to these brave men and women. No one in our organization, from top to bottom, gets paid. We are very proud of tha
Yes! 100% of your donations go to local Veterans in need. Pretty inspiring and bold? No, not really. What our Veterans have done is inspiring and bold. They have inspired us at OAG to volunteer our time and effort to give back to these brave men and women. No one in our organization, from top to bottom, gets paid. We are very proud of that. We are dedicated to making a difference in a Veterans life.
No: Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc.
No: Pension plans, employee benefits
No: Travel, conferences, or meetings expenses
All accounting fees, legal fees, printing fees, credit card fees for each transaction, and operating expenses are paid for out of pocket by the OAG Board of Directors.
We even donate to OAG!
Please do not keep us a secret. I am certain you will like what you see OAG do for our Veterans, so please tell your family, friends, and co-workers about us. We accept donations all year long. It's not about OAG. It's about our Veterans. 100% about our Veterans. Please help our Veterans in need today. Thank You.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization Tax Identification #82-1585669
Craig Frohna / Founder & CEO
Bob Thomas / President
Marc Modic / Vice President
Kim Thomas / Treasurer
Helen Frohna / Recording Secretary
Liz Schauer / Corresponding Secretary
Jack Schauer / Sergeant At Arms
If you have donated funds to the One Act of Giving foundation, you are now a member. No meetings to attend. No dues to pay. Just know that
Craig Frohna / Founder & CEO
Bob Thomas / President
Marc Modic / Vice President
Kim Thomas / Treasurer
Helen Frohna / Recording Secretary
Liz Schauer / Corresponding Secretary
Jack Schauer / Sergeant At Arms
If you have donated funds to the One Act of Giving foundation, you are now a member. No meetings to attend. No dues to pay. Just know that you are a valued member. Talk up "your" foundation all year long. Send people to our website and have them donate too. There is never enough money, and the needs of our local Veterans never end so fundraising never stops. Please help out your foundation.
To date, the One Act of Giving Foundation has given back $94,664.00 to our local Veterans in need.
If we all perform one act of giving,
we can do so much for our Veterans.
Craig Frohna - Founder
OAG works exclusively with the Wisconsin Veterans Network to help individual Veterans. Why? Well, OAG raises money for our Veterans and returns 100% of that money to these Veterans. Yes, 100%. So, when we give to Veterans charities, it is more than likely they will take a percentage for administration costs, like wages, office supplies, advertising etc. I get it, but if we're giving 100% to help a Veteran, it would be great if the Veteran could receive that 100%. And that is what Wisconsin Veterans Network agreed to do for us.
VetsNet is founded and run by Veterans. Our VA in Milwaukee gets good marks and reviews, but there are still many barriers to receiving help. VetsNet cuts through the red tape and bureaucracy and eliminates any Catch-22s. VetsNet provides employment placement, legal assistance, personal & family counseling, and substance, financial and benefit counseling. Quentin Hatfield is the Executive Director and he runs a very professional organization.
OAG will help with gas cards, grocery cards, rent, energy assistance, clothing, and home repair, just to name a few areas of assistance we will provide. OAG is proud to be working side by side with these brave Veterans. They simply and professionally run an outstanding operation!
Because of One Act of Giving’s generosity, VetsNet was recently able to assist 76-year-old Navy Veteran Randy with a fire department bill that he was unable to pay. I am not sure where he lives in Wisconsin but these fees are common and are high. No worries, OAG took care of it and Veteran Randy says “thank you………….you really helped me out!! Blessings to all of you.”
Retiring as an E-5, Electrician Mate 2, Randy served for 12 years aboard the USS John F Kennedy as an electrician. He served during Vietnam and traveled to many places, like Taiwan, Europe, Japan, and Korea. He also traveled with his ship to the Arctic Circle and says that the ship’s passageways were so cold that he hated to go out of his room.
For the most part, Randy said that he loved the Navy and his job, even though being an electrician aboard a ship was dangerous. He felt like the ships were like people in that they had distinct personalities. He recalls that due to an electrician shortage he often had to work by himself. He was knocked out several times (shocked) and considers himself lucky to be alive.
OAG members thank you Veteran Randy for your service!
Thank you OAG members for your continued donations so we can help out our Veterans in need.
Today OAG helped out Fisher House with a donation. Fisher House is a comfort home providing free lodging for the families of active-duty service members and Veterans while their loved ones receive medical care. The first Fisher House in the state opened at the Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Medical Center in April 2016. By helping fund operational expenses, Fisher House Wisconsin ensures families can stay close to their loved ones during critical medical treatments without financial burden.
The Fisher House is not funded by federal VA dollars but are instead built through private gifts, grants, and donations from charities and communities eager to show their gratitude allowing families to stay close without the burden of lodging costs during their loved one’s treatment.
OAG is very proud to help out Fisher House as they give back so much to our Veterans and their families. We couldn’t do it without you, our OAG members. Thank you for your continued donations.
Sgt (E-5) Ben served for 7 years in both the regular Army and Reserves. He was stationed in Afghanistan with the Army where he was a combat engineer. His initial duties were roadside clearance (route clearance). Route clearance is a critical mission that all Reserve Component (RC) engineer units must understand and execute flawlessly to save the lives of Soldiers on the battlefield. RC route clearance training provides Soldiers with the warfighting skills required to integrate required resources to effectively support clearance operations. However, route clearance is more than neutralizing explosive hazards along pre-existing roads, it also involves clearance-in-zone operations, integrating surveillance enablers, establishing movement control measures and route repair and improvement. Quite a position to hold!
He was promoted to high value target acquisition, which is an entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action. Ben led over 75 “black bagging” missions. A black bagging operation is a covert operation by a military unit in which the operation itself is at least partially hidden from the military’s own scrutiny. It keeps men and women alive. Here, less is more. He received several accommodations medals which included a bronze star medal for valor.
He came to us behind on his rent due to recent financial difficulties. He didn’t want to, but things have gone south for him recently and he saw no other way out. No problem Ben. OAG is honored to help out. We paid the past due rent and a few months for the future. I am told he was in tears when told he didn’t have to worry about the rent for a while. A man that served his country the way he did teared up because he received help when he couldn’t see another way out. This must mean so much to him. It does. He says now he’ll be able to keep things in the black.
Thank you OAG members for your continued donations. We’re doing some great work for our Veterans in need.
5-year Army Veteran Maria came to us last month needing assistance with her rent. Due to a recent cancer diagnosis and surgery, her hours were cut from her job as a shift manager at a local homeless shelter. Corporal Maria was stationed at Fort Carson and served as an Executive Administrative Specialist. She cut orders and handled requests for Permanent Changes of Station and Jump Orders for a special force unit. She has predominantly good memories of her time in service and says that she learned many lessons including how to have self-discipline and the importance of doing things well.
I am not sure what kind of cancer Maria was diagnosed with, but I am told that she is doing very well and will beat this. Keep being strong Maria! Thank you for your service. 5 years is a long time to be away from your loved ones.
OAG paid for her December and January rent and included a gas card which I have found out is a very welcome item.
As always, thank you OAG members for your continued donations.
Army Veteran Kenneth served a 3 year tour in the Army from 1983-1986. Immediately after enlisting, he was deployed to Granada, where he served as an Intelligence platoon leader and clerk for the company commander. He dealt with FEMA project management and gathered intelligence “stealing secrets from the enemy” as he put it. Kenneth said that communication between different branches of the U.S. was very problematic and operating together was a nightmare for a while, but they finally got their stuff together. The most outstanding thing he took away from his military experience was how challenging it was getting used to “pulling the trigger” even in simulated training situations.
Kenneth came to us asking for financial assistance being in arrears with many of his bills, following financial hardship due to a foot and leg injury sustained in a recent car accident. OAG took care of many of his bills and other charities helped with the rest. He will be going back to work December 1st and says he will be ok financially from there on. We wish him all the best. Honored to help!
As always, thank you OAG members for your continued donations so we can do the smaller things that mean so much to our Veterans.
Every year we are honored to give to Missouri’s National Veterans Memorial located in Perryville, MO. It is an exact replica of the Vietnam Wall in D.C. only there is much, much more to see at MNVM. Of the 58,276 names on the Vietnam Wall, there are 1,159 names of Wisconsin men who gave their lives in Vietnam. It is all so breathtaking. Their Military Museum is now open, honoring our American Veterans. It is so well done. There are many monuments representing the United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Their mission is to preserve military history, honor all who served, educate Americans about the cost of our freedom and provide a place for healing and reflection. And on their Corporate Donor list, displayed in the Welcome Center, is our foundations name, the One Act of Giving Foundation. That represents you, and I thank you for being a member of this dedicated foundation. Please, take a weekend off and visit this beautiful place in America’s heartland.
Christmas with the Vets is hosted by Jeff (Doc) Dentice (Vietnam Army Medic & hero, although he will say no) and his crew held at the VA Medical Center in December. OAG is honored to donate to this great event each year. This is their 37th annual Christmas program for our brave Veterans and we can’t thank them enough for doing this. We were able donate funds to help out with purchasing hooded sweatshirts, flannel shirts, sweat socks, winter gloves, and other necessities like toothpaste, shampoo, etc. It is the little stuff that OAG does that means so much for these Veterans. It humbles us to be able to do what we do. Thanks to all OAG members who make this all possible. Wishing all our brave Veterans a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you today and always. "Thanks" Jeff for all you do for our Veterans and thank you for your service to our great country. Merry Christmas!!
Veteran Jacob, a 4 year US Army Veteran, is a single dad who fought for custody of his 6 year old daughter after his wife, well, did something, and something more, while he was off defending our country. He won, but his legal expenses really tapped him out. OAG assisted Jacob in several ways including rent assistance, car repair expenses, and gas cards for said vehicle, in order to get him back on his feet. He is working and things will get better, but he just needed a hand up in order to see light at the end of the tunnel. OAG is honored to help out Veteran Jacob and we wish him all the best in the future.
Veteran Hank was homeless. He was homeless along with his wife and 2 minor children. I just can’t imagine what there were all going through. Hank suffered tremendously with PTSD and it showed up with everything he did. He spent 4 years in the Marine’s and was wounded and disabled in Afghanistan. He saw a lot of things that no one should have to see. He has finally received the help he needs and is getting better day by day.
But to add to his problems, a Veteran foundation committed to help with a rental deposit and 1st month’s rent had to renege because they ran out of money. OAG was contacted and thankfully we were able to help Hank and his family with the deposit along with his 1st and 2nd month’s rent. Other charities were able to supply this family with some furniture and food for a month. Hank has recently been employed and with the therapy he is receiving, he will now be able to support his family and live a more normal life. We are so glad to have been able to help this Veteran and we wish him all the best. Thank you so much for your service Hank.
Maggie is a Veteran who spent 4 years in the Air Force, E-4 rank, honorably discharged. She rented an apartment at the beginning of April and 15 days later she had to move out due to mold that was creeping in to her apartment from the basement. She was told that the apartment would be professionally cleaned and ready to go June 1st. Now they say July 1st. She has used up her available funds to stay in a motel and needed help to get her through the month of June. OAG and 2 other charities have taken care of that, and Maggie has had a huge weight lifted from her life. We are so glad to have been able to help this Veteran and wish her all the best life has to offer. Thank you so much for your service Maggie.
Thank you OAG members for your continued donations so we can do the smaller things that mean so much to our Veterans.
As you all know, we work very closely with the Wisconsin Veterans Network (VetsNet) in West Allis. When they have a Veteran in need, they contact OAG and we step up and help these Veterans get back on their feet. But sometimes VetsNet needs to replenish their emergency fund as they do so much for our Veterans behind the scenes with this fund such as immediate food, medical services, suicide prevention or intervention services, and help for those facing imminent dangers. They asked and OAG gave. It’s what we are all about. Helping our Veterans.
We are so proud and honored to have VetsNet in our backyard helping our Veterans in need. OAG is always there for VetsNet and they appreciate all the OAG donors help all year long. Thank you all for your donations.
OAG sent another Veteran, Richard, to the Missouri National Veterans Memorial in Perryville, MO. OAG does this for any Veteran, and a companion, who would like to see this beautiful memorial honoring all Veterans. Just contact us for details and we’ll get you started. Veteran Richard is back now and said he thoroughly enjoyed the 4 hours spent there and will return down the road as MNVM is always expanding. Below is a short summary of Richard’s time in the Navy.
Spent my 18th birthday at Great Lakes boot camp in October 1962. The Cuban missile crisis was all the news. After boot camp, went to Millington, TN for “A” school (A School, or Accession training, is where sailors go to receive technical training in their selected military occupational specialty (MOS) field) early 1963. From Tennessee, I went to Navy Pensacola where I was assigned to Engine Build Up. In 1964, I was assigned to Sherman Field where my duties consisted of caring for transit aircraft. Did cursory maintenance on aircraft of all sorts. Planning on discharge in October 1965, I was involuntarily extended due to the Vietnam conflict. This extension resulted in my honorable discharge in February, 1966, as an ADRAN (Aviation Machinist's Mate (Reciprocating Engine Mechanic) Airman). I loved every day of my Navy experience.
We thank Veteran Richard for his service to our country and OAG is honored to be able to introduce him to the MNVM.
Veteran Robert is a 67 year old Army and Air Force Veteran who served post Vietnam. He is disabled and just lost part of his Social Security Disability income because he was rated for disability with the VA. Nonetheless, his low income and loss of SS put him in a spot where he can’t make the payment this month on his handicap equipped van. Robert is married and his wife is also disabled (MS) so they’re just trying to make ends meet while the VA reviews his rating for a possible future increase. He has a County Veteran Service Officer working for him with the VA so that is a good thing.
OAG paid for 2 payments on his handicap van and also gave him enough money to pay his utility bills for a month. Ya, I think we all brightened his day a little. Hopefully his SS will be straightened out soon. Thanks to all who donate to OAG on a regular basis so we can help our Veterans in need like Veteran Robert.
Veteran Don is a 74 year old Vietnam Veteran who served in the U.S. Army. His rank was E-4 Specialist (Corporal) and his duties included Guard duty and delivering gas to gas depots. What he remembers most about Vietnam was the heat and the bugs. “It was terrible”. He made three good friends, but sadly they have all passed away. He also remembers the shootings and explosions. To this day, he doesn’t do well on the 4th of July with all the fireworks.
Veteran Don still lives in his own home but has a fulltime caretaker and is on a limited income. For a while now, all his drains in the house have been slow at best so he had a company come over to figure out the problem. Turns out they needed to blast the roots that had grown into his drain leading to the street. Don needed $600.00 to get the job done, but just didn’t have it. OAG took care of that and gave him some Pick & Save gift cards to help him with his groceries for a while.
Now Don has a huge burden lifted off his shoulders. He can run water and flush the toilet without wondering if it is all going to disappear. Kind of important. Thanks to all who donate to OAG on a regular basis so we can help our Veterans in need like Veteran Don.
I met Veteran Frank, and his lovely wife Lynn, at the Oak Creek Community Center while I was attending one of the many Veterans events they put together each year. Frank spent 25 years in the military serving our country. Since then, he has dedicated his life to helping Veterans through the Lions Club, which he and Lynn are very active members in, and by personally giving back to our Veterans. Making outdoor benches with the American Flag painted on it is Frank’s specialty. They are simply beautiful. He gives them to charities who raffle them off to help our Veterans. Making crafts that bring a smile to our Veterans faces, baking, taking Veterans where they need to go, collecting clothing, are just a few things Frank and Lynn do for our Veterans.
OAG thought it would be nice to help defer some of the costs that Frank and Lynn have so graciously been giving year after year after year to our Veterans. So we cut them a check to help out for a little while. I know they will be very grateful and use the money, not for themselves, but for our Veterans in need. It’s just what they do!
Thank you, OAG members, for your continued donations so we all can help our Veterans, and others helping Veterans, with the smaller things that mean so much to them.
Being exposed to IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) and car bombs of every kind was a way of life for Veteran Carter. He was on the EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) detail in Iraq. Yes, his unit’s mission was to clear roads of IED’s, and if they came upon a weapons stockpile hidden away somewhere, they were responsible for blowing it up. And I get irritated when traffic slows down and I am late for an appointment!
Upon his return to Wisconsin, where he grew up, he was a mess. Real short, he felt he didn’t fit in any longer and turned to drugs and alcohol. Suffering from PTSD, it took him a long time to finally look for help. Once help was found, it took him even longer to make the treatment he was getting, stick.
Recently, after some schooling, he started a small home inspection business. He isn’t looking back and is grateful for the help. He pays it forward as much as he can, but right now, he is still struggling with finances. OAG was asked to help out and of course we were willing and thankfully able. Owing a month back rent and needing a new computer for work, OAG stepped in and paid 2 month’s rent and was able to set him up with a nice laptop and printer from Milwaukee PC. Another charity donated some much needed money to keep him solvent while he was working on getting his business going. Carter was so grateful and said he will pay OAG back in time. I told him to just keep paying it forward the best he can and that we are honored to help out this Veteran that sacrificed so much for our country. He thanks all of you!
I thank you OAG members for your donations so we can help our Veterans in need like Veteran Carter. You definitely are the best!!
Veteran Hector served 4 years in the U.S. Army. He saw a lot of disturbing instances as he served 1 ½ years in Afghanistan. When he returned to Wisconsin, he wasn’t the same. It took awhile for him to get back into his new life, but he did. He later married, had a child, and life was good. Then his wife left him and his son, with no reason given, and life was upsetting again, to say the least.
Now a single dad, Veteran Hector and his young son were forced to move out of their apartment immediately due to black mold. It started in the unit below them and went unreported until it crept into the upper unit of Veteran Hector. They needed to leave all their possessions behind, as they had been contaminated and could not be thoroughly cleaned. Veteran Hector found VetsNet online and with assistance from his local Community Veterans Service Officer (CVSO) and reached out for help. While the CVSO focused on finding an affordably priced apartment for Hector and his son, VetsNet was able to ask a few Veterans charities (OAG being one of them) to donate in order to help Hector and his son set up their new apartment. Then the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative went into action and delivered furniture, food, and gift cards to supermarkets and stores. It was quite the group effort and OAG is so honored that we could be part of it. The most important aspect of restoring this family to safety and security, however, was presenting the little boy with new Batman sheets to replace the ones he was forced to abandon. Smiles all around for this family!
We thank Hector for his service to our country. He and his son are doing fine now. Thank you OAG members for your donations so we can help our Veterans in need like Veteran Hector.
OAG was called in to help assist a 31 year old female Veteran, Nancy, who had served 5 years in the US Army and is a single mother to one daughter. They have been living on a fixed income of $620 per month from VA disability for some time now. Thankfully that has recently changed. Nancy could use some help with some back rent and just everyday living expenses. Oh, and in December, their apartment was broken into and they destroyed two windows and a sliding glass door. OAG and 3 other charities gave toward that cost but OAG was more concerned with Nancy's well being so we donated some well needed gift certificates (Kwik Trip, Pick & Save, and Target) for gasoline, food, and clothing. We also paid 2 months back rent so she wouldn't have to deal with eviction. Recently Nancy was able to secure a decent job so from here on out she should be ok financially but right now she is in dire need, so OAG did what we do best. Help out a Veteran in need.
Yes, she has made some mistakes in her life after leaving the military but has finally received the help she kept resisting and is a good spot right now. We wish her all the best in the future and we thank her for her 5 years of service to our country.
Thank all of you for your continued donations. I can't express to you how much it is appreciated by those receiving our help.
We have given to Homes for our Troops for many years now and will always continue. Homes For Our Troops (HFOT) is a publicly funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization that builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives. Most of these Veterans have sustained injuries including multiple limb amputations, partial or full paralysis, and/or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). These homes restore some of the freedom and independence our Veterans sacrificed while defending our country, and enable them to focus on their family, recovery, and rebuilding their lives. Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents out of every dollar spent has gone directly to our program services for Veterans. HFOT builds these homes where the Veteran chooses to live, and continues its relationship with the Veterans after home delivery to assist them with rebuilding their lives. To date HFOT has built 7 homes in Wisconsin! We thank them for all they do for our Veterans and OAG is proud to donate to this worthy cause. Thank you OAG members for your donations so we can help our Veterans in need.
Thirty eight year old US Army Veteran Al, raising his teenage son, lost his job and was eventually evicted by his landlord. The two bounced between a few homeless shelters in Milwaukee while Al searched for work. One night, it happened that the shelters were full and the Veteran was told to contact VetsNet for help. VetsNet, with the help of OAG and 2 other charities, were able to provide the family with three nights in a hotel, food and well needed clothing. VetsNet then certified them as homeless and was able to qualify this family rapid re-housing through HUD. With this opportunity for stable housing, the Veteran was able to focus on his job search, has gained employment and will be able to pay his rent moving forward. OAG decided to pay for his first 2 months rent so he didn’t have to worry about that and help him get out in front of his bills.
We wish Veteran AL all the best in the future, and we thank him for his service to our country. OAG is so honored to help our Veterans in need.
This story may sound familiar as you’ve heard it before. But for Veteran Lee, it was very unfamiliar. Lee has been going through some hard times due to duty overseas in the Army. Some men and women come back just fine, but others have trouble adjusting. Lee is in the latter group. He never thought he’d be out of a job, behind in rent facing eviction, and have no money to support himself. The flip side of this ugly coin is that Lee found the help he needed with counseling and a job but now needs a hand up with back rent, some gas cards, and some grocery cards. OAG has helped him climb out of this hole, and Lee knows he will never go back. He just didn’t know where to turn but that’s all behind him now.
OAG has helped Veteran Lee with his back rent, took care of his January rent and purchased enough food and gas for at least 1 month. That’s enough to get him back on his feet as paychecks are now coming in. We are so honored that we can help out this Veteran who again, just needed a hand up after serving his country proudly. I do not know what he witnessed or what he had to do while in the Army, but it has kept him down for a while. No longer and along with others, OAG was there to help him get quite a weight off his shoulders.
Thank you all for your donations in order to be able to help out Veterans like Lee who are in need.
I was at a Christmas party and was approached by a lady wondering if we could help out with the purchase of a disability ramp needed for her daughter, Michelle, who will be moving back to Wisconsin from Florida into her home. She has quite a few health issues due to the time she spent in the military. I was happy to let her know that we certainly would help. She was beyond grateful. She said that she had put so much of her own money into remodeling the kitchen and bathroom to accommodate her daughter that it was just overwhelming her bank account. I gave her a few other financial outlets that help Veterans to contact so she hopefully will not have to spend her own money any longer. Thanks again OAG members. We took some weight off this mother of a Veterans shoulders and put a smile on her face. Priceless. Thank you all for your donations in order to be able to help out our Veterans in need as we do, and we thank Veteran Michelle for her service to our country.
A few weeks ago, OAG was asked if we could donate some money to help purchase grocery gift cards for some Veterans that could not afford a Thanksgiving dinner for themselves and their families. These gift cards were given out last Wednesday 11/15 leaving plenty of time for these families to purchase all they need to make it a very Happy Thanksgiving. We were told we purchased enough food for 10 Veterans and their families. Everything from Applesauce – Zucchini.
OAG members, you surely made this Thanksgiving a memorable one for some men and women that sacrificed a lot for us. I know they appreciate it so much. Thank you. I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Christmas with the Vets is hosted by Jeff (Doc) Dentice (Vietnam Army Medic & hero, although he will say no) and his crew held at the VA Medical Center 12/16/23. "Here" is a short video from last year as Doc and his crew unload his trailer. OAG is honored to have donated to this great event. This is their 36th annual Christmas program for our brave Veterans and we can’t thank them enough for doing this. We were able donate enough money to help out with purchasing hooded sweatshirts, flannel shirts, sweat socks, winter gloves, and other necessities like toothpaste, shampoo, etc. It is the little stuff that OAG does that means so much for these Veterans. It humbles us to be able to do what we do. Thanks to all of you who make this all possible. Wishing all our brave Veterans a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you today and always.
Today OAG helped out a US Army Veteran Keith. Keith was stationed in Erglanen, Germany for 2.5 years. He served as a Cavalry Scout, assisting in reconnaissance, security and other combat operations. He was part of the first Bosnian hostage rescue. He retired with an honorable discharge as a PFC. He is low on funds due to ongoing issues that he is now finally getting help with. He has a job now that he looks forward to going to each day and found an apartment but needs help with his security deposit. We are happy to help with that so he gets off on the right foot. Thank you all for your donations!
I do not have a lot of information on Veteran Lawrence. He needed a lot of help because of PTSD and he recently received it and is turning the corner. He found housing and a job and needed gas cards, steel toed boots, jeans and t-shirts. OAG helped him out with all of those items, and we are very proud to do so. Thank you OAG members for making this happen!
Veteran Jason served in the US Army for 4 years and was one of the 400 soldiers sent to Turkey (date?) with 2 batteries of patriot missiles to prevent Syria from launching missiles on Turkey. I do not have any more details but this sure sounds like dangerous duty.
Jason is 40 years old and has 2 teenage girls. He is now divorced and has full custody of his children. In May of this year, he had to have knee surgery and was out of work for 3 months due to complications. He used up what savings he had and needed help with rent and utilities. He received this through United Way with a program for those Veterans who have minor children. Well, in early August he was hit by a car as he was walking across the street. He ended up in the hospital with a concussion and a shoulder that needed to be reconstructed and will be out of work until late December doing rehab. It was a hit and run scenario and the person was not apprehended, so recovering expenses does not come into play. United Way will not help this time (not sure why). He has no current income so OAG was contacted to see if we could help out, along with other charities.
OAG will pay 2 months rent and 2 months of utilities (September and October) and 2 other charities agreed to pay the other 2 months. Like so many other stories, this Veteran spends 4 years in the military without a scratch, thank God, returns home and BAM. Everything goes south. Thank you Veteran Jason for your service to our country and may you stay safe for all years to come.
Thank you, OAG members, for your continued donations. We all are helping our Veterans and their families with the smaller things that mean so much to them.
Veteran Michal recently passed away due to cancer from exposure to burn pits during his Gulf War deployments. Michal was 52 years old. He served 4 years in the Army as a Fire Specialist. His duties were to plan, brief, and conduct fire missions as well as intelligence activities including target processing in fire brigades, cannon battalions, and artillery and maneuver brigades. I am not sure what all this means but he certainly knew his stuff.
He separated from the Army with the following decorations: Commendation Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, and Southwest Asia Service Medal. Sounds like he was quite active and willing to do what it takes.
His wife and family asked for support with all the bills that are coming in, and having ½ of their income disappear will be difficult at best. OAG got together with some other Veterans charities and helped this Veterans family. We wish them all the best and share our condolences for their loss.
Veteran Bernard served 7 years in the US Army and was a supply chain soldier. He was a Corporal when he exited the military.
Veteran Bernard, another Veteran that has never asked for anything, contacted Vets Net after the house he was renting went up in flames. The only items he escaped his home with were his wallet, the clothes on his back, and his dog.
With the VA, they located housing for Bernard but it will not be available until June 15. The Red Cross provided him hotel stay for three nights and Vets Net currently has him in the hotel for 2 nights. They asked if OAG could put Bernard up for 10 nights in a hotel. We did that and got him socks, underwear, and a couple pairs of jeans and T shirts. Veteran Bernard lives on Social Security disability income so he will depend on some charities to help out for a while. We are glad we can be one of them. We wish Veteran Bernard all the best in the future.
I received a letter from Vets Net today and I thought I’d share it with all of you, seeing without you, OAG would not exist. Veteran Frank needed so much help I just cut them a check and said do what you can with it in order to help. Other charities are pitching in so a lot of the financial pain will be reduced but the challenges ahead of this family are just mind boggling to me.
Hello Craig,
This letter is to thank you for your recent donation to VetsNet and let you know about the veteran that is being helped by your organization’s generosity.
Frank L. is a 7 year Army veteran. He loved his time in the Army. He was stationed at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Fort Lee, Virginia, Fort Polk Louisiana, and (his favorite duty station) Frankfurt, West Germany. There he served as a combat engineer and comptroller, responsible for equipment inventory and ordering. He was also an expert in fixing guns. His travels in Europe stand out as being a major career highlight. He especially loved the German culture and people that he met there. He still keeps in contact with friends there today.
Frank and his wife are currently facing many life challenges. With a 5 month old baby and another one on the way, he also has 2 daughters with severe autism. One of them was diagnosed in 2019 with a brain tumor and lymphoma. Because of his own health conditions, he is currently unable to work, and is waiting on a response from refiling a disability claim for injuries sustained while he served. Medical expenses are making it hard family to keep up with their bills. Frank has never asked for any help before but contacted VetsNet because he just can’t do this by himself any longer. We are helping him work with authorities and feel confident that his disability claim will come through in order for him to see some light at the end of the tunnel regarding his many challenges.
Thanks again so much for your continued support!
Veteran Elisha excelled in auto mechanics in high school and helped many of his fellow students and teachers, troubleshoot all sorts of mechanical problems. After high school he enrolled in the Army and his main job, after 23 weeks of training, was to maintain Bradley fighting vehicles for approximately 3 years. Since returning to Wisconsin, he has had some pit falls. Nothing major but he just needed a hand up as he was laid off for a few months. OAG paid for 2 months rent and gave him some Kwik Trip gas cards to also help him out. He was very grateful and said he’d pay us back in the future. I told him “That was totally unnecessary. We are honored to help you out of a jam. It’s what we do. Thank you for your service!”
I met Veteran Frank, and his lovely wife Lynn, at the Oak Creek Community Center while I was attending one of the many Veterans events they put together each year. Frank spent 25 years in the military serving our country. Since then, he has dedicated his life to helping Veterans through the Lions Club, which he and Lynn are very active members in, and by personally giving back to our Veterans. Making outdoor benches with the American Flag painted on it is Frank’s specialty. They are simply beautiful. He gives them to charities who raffle them off to help our Veterans. Making crafts that bring a smile to our Veterans faces, baking, taking Veterans where they need to go, collecting clothing, are just a few things Frank and Lynn do for our Veterans.
OAG thought it would be nice to help defer some of the costs that Frank and Lynn have so graciously been giving year after year after year to our Veterans. So we cut them a check to help out for a little while. I know they will be very grateful and use the money, not for themselves, but for our Veterans in need. It’s just what they do!
Thank you, OAG members, for your continued donations so we all can help our Veterans, and others helping Veterans, with the smaller things that mean so much to them.
Recently I as contacted by VetsNet who was working with a 54 year old veteran named Gerald, who is currently employed but struggling. Gerald served in the Navy for 4 years as an F-14 Aviation Structural Mechanic / Structural Airman Recruit. He was stationed in Dallas, TX and his specialty was rigging aircraft flap systems, which was a tedious task, sometimes taking hours of making tiny adjustments in order to get the flight controls to operate correctly. Gerald has fond memories of his service years and the friendships that he made.
During the pandemic, Gerald and his wife were both diagnosed with cancer. Gerald is currently in remission and able to work, but his wife is not. She is currently in the hospital receiving treatment for her lymphoma but is looking forward to returning to her job in public service working as a counselor for children. They were needing help bridging their income gap for a month or two as their savings is gone due to medical expenses and regular bills (Car payment, insurance, phone, and internet bills). OAG and another charity took care of their bills for a few months, and we are honored to do so.
We thank Gerald for his service, and we wish Gerald and his wife a cancer free life, full of happiness. Thank you, OAG members, for your continued donations so we all can help our Veterans with the smaller things that mean so much to them.
I was contacted regarding Army Veteran David who was recently let go from his job due to cutbacks. While he was looking for a job, which he now has found, his reserves were depleted and he was in need of some financial assistance for back bills.
David is a bright young man who served in the Army (Ft. Riley) for two years as a transportation specialist. In that two year period, he was deployed to Korea for a 9 month combat mission where he transported critical materials. He then served another two years in the Army National Guard.
OAG got him current with his bills and gave him a little extra just in case his math was off. Thanks Veteran David for your service and may your future be bright.
Every year we like to give to Missouri’s National Veterans Memorial located in Perryville, MO. It is an exact replica of the Vietnam Wall in D.C. only there is much, much more to see at MNVM. Of the 58,276 names on the Vietnam Wall, there are 1,159 names of Wisconsin men who gave their lives in Vietnam. It is all so breathtaking. Their Military Museum is now open, honoring our American Veterans. It is so well done. There are many monuments representing the United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Their mission is to preserve military history, honor all who served, educate Americans about the cost of our freedom and provide a place for healing and reflection. And on their Corporate Donor list, displayed in the Welcome Center, is our foundations name, the One Act of Giving Foundation. That represents you, and I thank you for being a member of this dedicated foundation. Please, take a weekend off and visit this beautiful place in America’s heartland.
Veteran Lamar served 4 years in the US Army (2004 – 2008). Fifteen months of that was served in Iraq. During that deployment, his job was a Combat Engineer or Route Clearing Patrol, looking for IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). Lamar had to go through a 14-week training course that covered basic training and advanced individual training, and learning skills such as construction, engineering, demolition, explosives, and how to operate heavy equipment.
Recently, due to an autoimmune condition, he was let go from his management position after he took medical leave. He is taking legal action against his former employers for unfair termination and working part time while trying to create a long-term pain management plan with his healthcare team. Due to the extra costs and decrease in wages, he fell behind on his rent.
OAG was able to pay 2 months of Lamar’s back rent and another charity will pay for 2 more month’s rent for him. OAG also added a Pick & Save gift card to help with some much needed groceries. Lamar is beyond grateful for our help. “You just swoop in and help me out of this bind all because I am a Veteran?” Yes Lamar, we are a group of people that want to give back to our brave service men and women where needed. We are honored to help. Thank you for your service.
Veteran Stephan served 3 years in the US Army, 1 of them in Iraq. Pretty dangerous place. Things like bombs, bullets, and IED’s (Improvised Explosive Device). He had to be extremely attentive throughout that year in order to get back home safely. But he was never hit by a car over there. He was here. Just walking on the sidewalk and a car appeared in front of him and there was no way to go. Drunk driver. He ended up with some broken bones and internal issues. He is doing much better now but won’t be back to work for at least another month. He is behind in his rent because of this incident which happened at the end of November.
OAG was able to pay his December and January rent. Another charity will pay for his February rent and Stephen says he will be able to take it from there. He just needed a hand up and I am told that he was stunned by the generosity toward him. He is extremely grateful. Well, we all thank Veteran Stephan for his sacrifice serving our county and wish him all the best in his recovery. Sounds like he is going to be ok going forward.
Thank you, OAG members, for your continued donations so we all can help our Veterans with the smaller things that mean so much to them.
The Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative were asking for donations to help them “build” gift baskets to give to those Veterans that they helped find housing for this year. These gift baskets were filled with everything but the kitchen sink. They really did a nice job. OAG helped them with a dozen baskets that they delivered to each Veteran. They are there for our Veterans all year long and we are honored to be able to help in a small way. Thank you OAG members for your continued donations so we all can help our Veterans with the smaller things that mean so much to them. From OAG to all of you, wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.
Veteran Sebastian served 4 years in the US Army and 2 years in the US Navy (not sure where). Regarding his time in the Army, Sebastian said he wasn’t deployed in a direct combat role, but he managed convoy communications and logistics. Still, there were physical dangers and mental stresses. Bombs did go off, snipers did aim in your direction, and accidents happened. He says, through it all you had to keep your head on a swivel and remain awake for 18 hour shifts. He drank lots of Red Bull.
Once back on US soil, things just weren’t the same for him. Not going into too much detail, he was on the verge of homelessness due to, let’s say, not getting along with others. He was a very angry man and needed help. Thankfully, he found that help in time and turned his life around. He found a decent job but just needed a “hand up” financially to start over so OAG helped with first month’s rent, security deposit, and at least 1 month of groceries. Another charity also helped with car repair.
We certainly wish Veteran Sebastian all the best and we thank him for his service and sacrifice. Thanks to all of you for continuing to donate to OAG so we can do the smaller things that mean so much to our Veterans.
As you know, we work very closely with VetsNet in West Allis in order to help out our Wisconsin Veterans. VetsNet got the word out that their emergency fund has been extremely depleted due to the rising costs of housing, fuel, food, and energy. Many of our Veterans are struggling and making decisions between feeding their families or paying the rent. VetsNet’s average client census each year is between 400 and 450; however, this year they had already served 350 by the end of September and each day that passes sees more in need of assistance. In the area of housing alone, through September, they had served 22 veterans/families who were homeless; 29 that we worked with landlords to prevent evictions; and 81 who needed rent assistance! Of course, those numbers don’t address the food, energy and other needs represented in the veteran population they’ve been able to assist through their partners all over the state. OAG is one of those partners! So, we were glad to be able to help with VetsNet emergency fund therefore helping our Veterans in need. It is what we are here for! Thanks to all our members for their donations. We just can’t do things like this without your help. Wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas. Also, we all wish our brave Veterans a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you today and always.
Christmas with the Vets is hosted by Jeff (Doc) Dentice (Vietnam Army Medic & hero, although he will say no) and his crew held at the VA Medical Center. OAG is honored to have donated to this great event. This is their 35th annual Christmas program for our brave Veterans and we can’t thank them enough for doing this. We were able donate enough money to help out with purchasing hooded sweatshirts, flannel shirts, sweat socks, winter gloves, and other necessities like toothpaste, shampoo, etc. It is the little stuff that OAG does that means so much for these Veterans. It humbles us to be able to do what we do. Thanks to all of you who make this all possible. Wishing all our brave Veterans a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you today and always.
On Saturday November 12th the Oak Creek Community Center held their Veterans Appreciation Gala. The purpose of this Gala was to thank our local Veteran’s and Military personnel for their selfless service to our nation and to raise funds for 3 nonprofit organizations that aid in providing crucial needs and resources to Milwaukee area Veteran’s and the Military community. Helen and I were there and sponsored 4 Veterans and their spouses to enjoy dinner, drinks, and entertainment as a “Thank You” for their service to our country and to donate to 3 great Milwaukee organizations helping our Veterans.
The 3 nonprofit organizations are:
(1) Veteran’s Community Project – Milwaukee: VCP is dedicated to supporting every man and woman who took the oath for our country. VCP is determined to make a difference in the lives of homeless Veterans, a task accomplished by the community for the community. The Milwaukee project is located on a 7-acre property on Milwaukee’s northwest side. This project will be a specialized village of tiny homes with on site, wraparound support services designed to equip Veterans experiencing homelessness with the tools needed to return to a stable, prosperous, independent life.
(2) Lift for the 22: Lift for the 22 is a Veteran organization that aims to provide gym memberships to Veterans as a way to help them transition to civilian life. Veterans receive therapy to help combat the statistic of 22 Veterans dying by suicide every day in the U.S. Our support will help ensure that Veteran’s will have access to health and well being resources to combat PTSD and mental health.
(3) Oak Creek Community Center: Since 1994, the Oak Creek Community Center has been a place for community gatherings and community resources. The Center will use the funds donated to provide staff and rental space needed for Veteran’s and the Military community. This will include Mental Health Workshops, AA & NA meeting space, and training space for Veteran owned small businesses.
Thank you, OAG members, for your continued support. It was a positive experience for all our brave Veterans there, and they thank you for it.
Army Veteran Kurtis served 4 years, mostly overseas, and says “It wasn’t a picnic”. It set him back, to say the least, and recently he has received the proper help he needed. “For some reason I fought getting help. I knew where to go but I thought I could do it alone”. We certainly are happy he saw the errors of his ways and got help.
We asked what he needed to help him get back on his feet (groceries, help with his rent or security deposit, clothing, energy assistance, etc) and all he said was “I hate to even ask but could you fill up my gas tank in my car so I can get to work? We said sure but is there anything else we could do? He said no, I really am having trouble paying for gas in my car. So, we took care of at least 3 months of gas for him with a gas gift card. He wasn’t expecting that (“I was hoping you could help me out with one fill up”) and was beyond grateful.
We certainly wish Veteran Kurtis all the best and we thank him for his service and sacrifice. Thanks to all of you for continuing to donate to OAG so we can do the smaller things that mean so much to our Veterans.
Army Veteran Benjamin served 1 ½ years in the Gulf War and 1 ½ years stateside. He struggled through it and since then, life has not been a breeze. Currently he is on a fixed SS disability income and has subsidized rent through the VA. He had a financial emergency a few months ago that set him back quite a lot of money and for the most part, cleaned him out financially. The goal is to keep him from losing his place of residence so OAG helped him out with a few months rent to get him started on the right track. We topped it off with a gift card to Pick & Save so groceries won’t be problem for a while. We certainly wish Veteran Benjamin all the best and we thank him for his service and sacrifice. Thank you OAG members for all your help year after year.
Veteran Eli served in Vietnam with the US Army for 3 years. He has epilepsy and it flared up in early August putting him in the hospital for 2 weeks. This put him behind in his bills. He paid the little ones, but he needs help with his September rent. OAG took care of that for him, making his life a little less worrisome. Thanks to all of you for continuing to donate to OAG.
Veteran Tony received a disconnect notice for his electricity. Long story short, there was a huge mess up in paperwork with We Energies. Tony served in the Army for 6 years and was honorably discharged. He was unemployed for a few months and has recently found a good job and went back to work. He just needed a hand up to keep his service on so life could go on. So, thanks to all of you for continuing to donate to OAG so we can do the smaller things that mean so much to our Veterans.
I received a phone call this morning from VetsNet in West Allis. They were helping a young 27 year old female Veteran, Sandra, who recently got out of the Navy. They found her a job and she found an apartment, so will be able to move out of her parent’s home and get back on her own feet. She just needed help with the security deposit. We were glad to help, and VetsNet said that OAG is very much appreciated by everyone there. So, congratulations everyone! We put another smile on a Veterans face! Thank you for your donations to make this all happen time and time again.
As you know, we work closely with VetsNet in West Allis who forwards Veterans to our charity who are in need of assistance. They vet the Veteran so all is on the up and up and we help where we can.
In the past we have also donated to VetsNet to help with their emergency fund to help Veterans that walk in with immediate basic needs while VetsNet works on getting them employment and housing. Things like toiletries, food, transportation (bus or cab) and other basic needs. Yesterday, we donated again as they sent us a plea for help. 2022 has seen an uptick in the number of Veterans and families with critical needs exacerbated by the economy. OAG is proud to help out VetsNet with their needs in order to help our Veterans.
I was not given a lot of information on Veteran Trey. Probably because he was a Navy Seal. He conducted some special operations and missions which left him with PTSD. Homeless for months, he now has found help and his future looks brighter every day. He has secured a decent job with a county in Wisconsin and needs help with a security deposit and 1st month’s rent. Done. We at OAG are happy to help get him back on his feet. We wish Veteran Trey all the best.
Every year we like to give to Missouri’s National Veterans Memorial located in Perryville, MO. It is an exact replica of the Vietnam Wall in D.C. only there is much, much more to see at MNVM. Their Military Museum is now open, honoring our American Veterans. It is so well done. There are many monuments representing the United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Their mission is to preserve military history, honor all who served, educate Americans about the cost of our freedom and provide a place for healing and reflection. Of the 58,276 names on the Vietnam Wall, there are 1,159 names of Wisconsin men who gave their lives in Vietnam. It is all so breathtaking. And on their Corporate Donor list, displayed in the Welcome Center, is our foundations name, the One Act of Giving Foundation. That represents you, and I thank you for being a member of this dedicated foundation. Please, take a weekend off and visit this beautiful place in America’s heartland.
Well, this is just gut wrenching. Veteran Ethan spent 4 years in the US Navy. He is 60 years old, currently homeless, suffering from depression, memory loss and has stage 4 cancer. The VA is working to get him into Soldiers Home, but nothing will open up for him until the first week in May. They have him staying at a LaQuinta Inn at the tax-exempt Veteran rate, but VA funding will run out next week. So, OAG and a few other charities have stepped in to keep him at the hotel until he can be transferred to Soldiers Home in early May. Thank you, Ethan, for your service to our country. You are not fighting this battle alone. May God bless you.
Andrew spent 4 years in the U.S. Army stateside. He had many interesting jobs but what he thought was most interesting was his duty of Parachute Rigger, stationed in Fort Benning, GA. This is where training for “Jump School” takes place. His duties included inspecting and testing extraction and release systems, and packing parachutes for his Army buddies. Operated by the 1st Battalion Airborne, these soldiers put their faith in Andrew to make sure they can jump again. I would think this would be just a little nerve racking but Andrew loved it. Maybe because everyone loved Andrew, and for good reason. He never lost a parachutist. So much goes on behind the scenes and Andrew was a big part of that.
Recently, Andrew had some medical issues involving COVID. It was touch and go for a while. He spent 33 days in the hospital and it has been slow going getting back to normal. Obviously going to work hasn’t happened for some time now. His job is waiting for him, and he’ll be back to that soon, but he is behind in many of his bills. That’s where OAG stepped in. We’ve made a pretty good dent in those bills and a few other charities will help with the rest. Thank you OAG members for helping out Veteran Andrew and thank you Andrew for your service to our country.
Veteran Jack served 7 years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Three of those were overseas in (he’d rather not say). He saw many disturbing things in those 3 years and has been dealing with PTSD ever since. He dodged landing in a cemetery a few times. I can’t imagine what these men and women go through. So, no physical injuries over there but now that he has been back for 4 years, he fell off a ladder at work and shattered his elbow. He is unable to work, and he is going through the process of receiving disability now. In the meantime, he is behind in rent and could use a few months buffer. So OAG along with 3 other charities paid 5 months of his rent. By the time this runs out, he will be on disability and working at a new job, although not making as much money as he had previously. But he says, with disability, he’ll be able to make it. We certainly want to thank Veteran Jack for his service to our country and wish him all the best in the future.
Veteran Laura served 7 years in the Army and did 3 combat assignments that totaled 34 months together. At one point she served with the Female Engagement Team in Afghanistan. Their job was to engage female populations which was impossible by male service men. They would build relationships, gather intelligence, and help with humanitarian efforts. Things could have gone bad for her at anytime but thankfully, she is home and safe. A few months ago her back decided to go south on her and she couldn’t work. She fell behind 2 months in rent. OAG and 2 other charities contributed to taking care of this expense. She is fine now, back to work and will be good financially going forward. We wish her all the best and we thank you Laura for your service to our country.
Veteran George, of Kenosha county, and Veteran Peter, of Oneida County, needed help funding their wheel chair lifts. We helped give them a great start and we hope they have their lifts soon. It is just amazing what these lifts can do for the spirit of our brave Veterans. The freedom they get knowing they can leave the house with ease, by themselves if they want, without the fear of falling, is just a God send for them. OAG is so honored to be able to give these men a choice. "Do I want to get out in the wind today?" It's a big deal!! Thank you for your service gentlemen!
Veteran Robert served in the US Army from 1980 – 1984. He was in the communication business of the military and has lots of stories to tell, but can’t. Or won’t. Either one, we thank him for his service to our country.
Robert was minding his own business one day when a notice arrived at his apartment door. I will paraphrase…………..”We’re going to renovate the entire 4 family unit you are living in, and we will not be renewing anyone’s lease. So, if you could move by February 1st, that would be great”. Not a great way to start out the new year.
Robert found a place and will be moving a month earlier, January 2nd. Because he is a Veteran, the current landlord waved the security deposit so Robert will not be getting any money back to pay a security deposit required by the new landlord. He just can’t come up with the extra money, so OAG stepped in and paid that for him.
We’ve done this for a few Veterans now and we’re told that it lifts a huge weight off their shoulders knowing that this has been taken care of for them. I would imagine so and we are honored to do this for those who sacrificed, in this case, 4 years of their life. God’s blessings Robert.
Veteran Jerry is a pretty remarkable gentleman that sacrificed a lot of time and effort for his country. Our country. We salute him. Jerry’s legs are not what they used to be, and he couldn’t manage the steps to get in and out of the house any longer. One simple request was “I’d just like to go for a ride in the car again”.
OAG was asked by the Oak Creek Lions Club if we could help them with the cost of a lift for Veteran Jerry so he could have his freedom back. Along with some anonymous donors, the lift was purchased. Some handy members of the Lions Club put in the necessary electric work and poured the concrete supplied by Ozinga Concrete. Now Veteran Jerry can get out in the air again and we are so honored to be able to help. Thank you Jerry for your service. Enjoy your new freedom. You deserve it sir. May God bless you this day and always.
Jerry’s wife Sharon “interviewed” Jerry about his life in the military and if you’d like to read it, click “HERE”. Spending 11 years in the military (Marine Reserves, Marines, and Coast Guard) these are just a few of the memories he has. It is a good read. Like I said, he is one remarkable gentleman.
It is because of the donations of our OAG members that allowed OAG to help out Veteran Jerry. Thank you all OAG members for your donations. This gift has put a smile on a Veteran’s face. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Today, November 11th, we honor all our Veterans. Thank you for your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all. In short, thank you for your service! We’ve given to Veteran Jeff Dentice and his crew for a few years now, to help with their Christmas Party for our hospitalized Vets held at the Zablocki VA. This is their 34th year bringing Christmas and the Holiday spirit to all our Veterans that cannot be home with their families. OAG is proud to be able to help with some of the costs affiliated to make it special for our Veterans.
Your past donation made to OAG will go to help pay for a host of things to make sure our Veterans have a Merry Christmas. Candy bars, fast food gift certificates, shampoo, flannel shirts, and winter jackets, are just a few things Jeff gives out each year to our Veterans. He puts a much needed smile on many Veterans faces.
Jeff was a medic in Vietnam. He sat inside an old MASH ambulance every day with those killed in action at the Dust Off Pad in CuChi, Vietnam in 67/68. He opened the body bags, looked to see what killed them, filled out KIA cards, and sent them to Graves Registration. He saved many lives at the 25th Signal Battalion in CuChi in early 1968 when they were hit by rockets and mortars. Jeff runs many Veteran websites to assist Veterans and their families. He has dedicated his life to help our Veterans and OAG is honored to play a small part. Thank you Jeff for your service to our country and thanks to all the Veterans this Christmas season and always.
Naomi served 4 years in the US Army, two years overseas and two years stateside. Given an honorable discharge in 2010, she unfortunately fell on hard times. With help from the Milwaukee VA, she has come a long way. Living on her own, she found a decent job and has pretty much stayed solvent until recently when she had to use her November rent money to pay for a brake job on her car in order to get to work. OAG was asked if we could help with her rent and I am proud to announce that we took care of her November and December rent. We thought we could make her Christmas a little brighter. We thank Naomi for her service to our country and wish her all the best in the future.
U.S. Marine Al served 4 years in the military. He notes that he spent some of that time in a tank in Desert Storm. This past September Al had heart surgery. Being 55 years old, it came as a shock to him. He has been using his savings to pay his bills but has reached out about help paying his mortgage. He will not be able to return to work until January, per doctors orders, so he needed help with his November and December mortgage payments. One charity picked up his November payment and OAG was asked if we could pick up his December payment. Well ya, that’s what we do, so we have taken care of that. For this Veteran not having to worry about 2 months of his mortgage payments means a lot to him and we’re just glad we could help him out. Thanks to all of you for making this happen for Al. “Thank You” Al for your service to our country.
Veteran Steve served our country in the Air Force from 1986 – 1991. He spent lots of time in the Persian Gulf refueling fighter planes protecting Kuwaiti oil tankers. His wife Gretta is also a Veteran serving from 1988 – 1993. After a policy change, Gretta was one of the first that allows female aircrew members to serve on C-130 and C-141 combat airdrop missions. We thank them for their service and the sacrifices they made for our country.
About a month ago, Steve was in a terrible accident. He fell off a 30 foot ladder at work. Since then, he has tragically been in a medically induced coma. He was the main source of income for their family. OAG learned that they can’t pay their upcoming utility bills and could use help with groceries. We took care of 2 months of their utility bills and groceries and another charity did the same. They may need help down the road and OAG will be there for them. At this time, there is no medical update on Steve. If you could keep him in your thoughts and prayers, I’m sure the family would appreciate it.
I was contacted today about a female Marine Veteran whose husband, the sole provider of the family, has been incarcerated for some time and she has fallen on hard times. She found a job and is working, paying most of the bills, but is 2 months behind on her car payment. She received a letter last week from her bank asking her to make a payment to avoid repossession. She just can’t come up with it and obviously needs this car to get to work etc. Turns out, she only has 4 payments left so VetsNet reached out to 4 charities, OAG being one, and asked if together we could pay off her car. They called the bank and asked if she could do this would they drop the penalties she is facing. They said they would so our check is going out tomorrow morning paying ¼ of her debt off. I know this Veteran will be ecstatic when she finds out.
Thanks OAG supporters for being there for our Veterans. This Veteran gave up 4 years of her life (2001-2005) to serve our country. We are all honored to help her out. We certainly wish her all the best in the future.
Air Force Veteran George L. had to move because of, let’s just say, a bad landlord. Problem is, he couldn’t come up with the security deposit on the new place because Mr. bad landlord is dragging his heels getting that back to Veteran George.
George found a place, with a normal landlord, and if he can come up with the security deposit, he can move in August 15th. OAG solved that problem and paid for his security deposit. If he ever gets the old security deposit back, great. He’ll have some extra dollars to live on.
George spent 3 years in the Air Force as a cook sometimes deployed in a war zone. His professionalism far exceeded the minimum requirements, and he did what was best for the Airmen he proudly served. So OAG sent along a gift card, enough for a few visits, to Mission BBQ for him and a guest to try their delicious food. Mission BBQ proudly serves those who serve in a patriotic dining room filled with tributes to those who have made our community and country great. We hope he will enjoy their food and the experience.
Yesterday, I was contacted regarding a Veteran with an immediate need for a Pick n Save gift card. The veteran, Kate, is a 37 year old single mom (9 year old daughter) who served in the US Army for 3 years. Right before last year’s COVID lockdown, she moved back to Milwaukee (her home town) and then the world shut down. She wasn’t able to put her child in school, thus couldn’t go to work, so she spent most of her savings during the last year.
We also found out that she was concerned about being able to pay July’s rent. Our immediate thought was to pay 2 months rent to give her room to build some cushion in her finances, and so we did. We also helped her out with that Pick and Save gift card.
She interviewed for a few jobs and we are happy to report that she has been offered full time employment and will return to work soon. Kate is independent, motivated and has goals for herself and her daughter. We are honored that we could help ease her financial situation. We thank her for her service to our country and we wish her all the best in the future.
US Army Veteran Nora W. served our country for 5 years. She was married but her husband suffered from PTSD and had many issues that caused them to divorce. She can pay her bills but struggles with incidentals. We helped her out with a Walmart gift card for diapers and any other needs that come up. It should last awhile. We thank Nora for her service and hope her life turns for the better.
Navy Veteran Caisy served in 1990, 1991, and 1992, one of those years in the Persian Gulf during the Gulf War. She worked in the engine room, and at the time of the invasion, the Navy, and Caisy, were already on station in the region. They were immediately placed on alert and their heart rates went up. They sped from the Indian Ocean and Eastern Mediterranean to take up positions in the Gulf of Oman and Red Sea, ready to commence sustained combat operations on arrival. Caisy was part of the many ships that provided the sea control and maritime superiority which paved the way for the introduction of U.S. and allied air and ground forces, and offered strong leadership for the multinational naval force.
In November of 2019, Caisy underwent an emergency appendectomy. Long story short, she had really lousy insurance at the time, through her job, and they didn’t pay for quite a chunk of her bill. Due to COVID, her hours were cut by 2/3 and she was having great difficulty paying anything outside of rent and food. She is slowly getting back on her feet but the insurance company wants their money and she just can’t come up with it.
Having put her life in great danger for almost a year, and then spending 2 more years in the Navy, OAG thought it would be nice gesture to rid her of this financial burden. Thank you Caisy for your service and know that you are appreciated. We hope this speeds up your financial recovery.
Gulf War Marine Corps Veteran David T. is 50 years old, and served 4 years in the Marine Corps. A few months ago, his wife had a heart attack, and she has not been able to go back to work. She will be fine but obviously she has a few things to get through before she is released to go back to work.
David does not work as he is 100% service connected disabled and that’s the only income they currently have. With the loss of her job and the associated hospital and doctor bills, they are currently 2 months behind in rent and they have not been able to catch up. If they could get that burden off their back, they then will be able to stay current living for a while on his disability income until his wife can go back to work.
When reaching out to traditional resources, they judge him to be “over income” for their programs. His disability income brings in $1,950.00 per month. With other bills, they simply can’t get ahead to come up with the back rent, so VetsNet is asking for our help to prevent the landlord from taking any action.
David said he hates to ask for help, but “We just can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel right now. If we could get some help, you don’t know what this would mean for us.” OAG is honored to help David and his wife get back on track. We wish David and his wife all the best.
Thank you OAG members for your continued help for our Veterans in need.
As you know, one of the ways we give back to our Veterans is to pay for a 2-day trip for a Veteran and a guest to travel to the Missouri National Veterans Memorial in Perryville, MO. It is an exact replica of the Vietnam Wall in D.C. along with other monuments representing all wars and honoring all Veterans. “HERE” is a short news video from 2018 explaining how it all began.
Last week we sent proud Navy Veteran E-6 Machinist’s Mate 1st Class Richard C. and his wife to take in this beautiful memorial. Richard served our country from November 1980 to February 1987 working on the Navy's Nuclear Power Prototype, servicing submarines that supplied the important function of the Navy's Strategic Deterrent, and lastly entering the Naval Nuclear Power Program and helped design, build, operate, maintain, and manage our nuclear-powered ships. He also served in the Navy Reserves for several years following his separation from the Navy. We certainly thank him for his exceptional service to our country.
Upon his return, he wrote “ The MNVM is a wonderful tribute to our Veterans, and to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we all enjoy. Mr. Eddleman made a promise and created this memorial, primarily to his comrades that served in Vietnam, but it is also a tribute to all Veterans that have proudly served. He put an exact replica of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall right in the middle of the nation's heartland. The Staff was very helpful and informative, explaining the story of how it all came about, and the vision / plan for the future. In the museum, all of the exhibits were very well done, and we were quite pleased with the fact that a High School Senior submitted and won the design for the Nurses display. Preserving the history of military wars, and the sacrifices that were made, into the classrooms of our youth is so important today. One of the sayings that has stuck in my head since our visit, was from a Navy display in the courtyard - "The only easy day was yesterday!"
Thanks to you, our OAG members, we have been able to give back, in a small way, to Richard and his wife and give them a chance to take in this beautiful memorial to our Veterans. We are all honored to do so.
Homes for our Troops
Builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post 9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives. 5 homes have been built in Wisconsin to date with 1 breaking ground in Muskego, WI for Marine Veteran Robert M!
Robert, an Infantryman, was on his 2nd deployment serving with the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, in Al-Qaim, Iraq, when his vehicle was hit by an IED. The blast resulted in the loss of his right leg, internal injuries, and a traumatic brain injury. More than 40 surgeries later, Robert tries not to let his injuries prevent him from being the best he can be.
We were able to donate money that will go toward a specially built metal wheelchair ramp in Robert's garage with hand rails and other bells and whistles. We are very proud to be able to help out with this project. Thank you Robert for your service to our great country. We honor your sacrifice. May God bless you and your family.
One month ago, four year Army Veteran Hank W reached out to VetsNet regarding a fire in his apartment building. He needed a place to stay until the restorations could be done. VetsNet contacted the Red Cross and they agreed to pay for a motel until 2/25/21. Problem is, his apartment would not be ready to move back into until 3/2/21. VetsNet reached out to us to see if we could pay for his motel through 3/1/21, otherwise he would become homeless. So OAG took care of that. It turns out that Veteran Hank’s only income is his Social Security disability insurance and it isn’t a lot. So we also thought it would be a nice gesture to pay for 1 month’s rent and give him a Visa gift card to help him out with groceries and clothing. On the phone with VetsNet he said “I don’t think about the things I don’t have, I’m just grateful for the things I do have. I don’t like to ask for help, but this time I am desperate.”
We are honored to help out Veteran Hank and we thank him for his service. Thanks to all of you for your donations to make this possible.
I received a call today asking if OAG could help out another charity regarding the purchase of a refrigerator for a Veteran that just can’t come up with the money to purchase one. He has a wife and 4 year old boy.
The deal was, if we could add to the pot, together we could purchase the better of the two refrigerators they looked at today. I told them the check was in the mail and they assured me the refrigerator would be delivered on Monday. I also said I’d be adding extra so if they would please use that to purchase a Pick & Save gift card, we could stock the refrigerator. Again, they assured me they would take care of it and thanked us for our help, also saying, “It will make a huge difference in their lives.”
These are the kind of things OAG can do for our Veterans. It makes me smile, knowing that with our help, this family had a burden taken off their shoulders. I thank all of you for your support of OAG so we all can support our brave men and women Veterans and their families.
I was contacted by a local VFW post asking for a little help for one of their members. I talked with him this evening and asked what we could do for him. He was taken aback and asked what he did to deserve our kindness.
Airman Norm P volunteered and served stateside during the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1975. Once he served his time in the service, he made a vow that he would always help his fellow brothers, no matter what. He said “It hasn’t always been easy but it is fulfilling and I’ve made lots of life friends.”
I then said, “And that is what you have done to deserve our kindness, but more than that, our respect.
Recently he has been doing a lot more picking up and dropping off of Veterans to the VA, costing him more money on gas. He houses Veterans when he can and right now he has 2 Veterans living with him until the end of the month. He said he could always use more groceries.
So, on behalf of all OAG members, tomorrow I will stop at Kwik Trip, to purchase a fuel gift card, and Pick & Save to purchase a grocery gift card, both for Norm to use to help his fellow brothers. He mentioned that he loves to go to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and donuts. He said it starts his day off right. So, I’ll pick him up a gift card there that will “start his day off right” for a while.
Thanks so much to all of you for your donations so we can put a smile on the faces of our Veterans who sacrificed, and still sacrifice, so much for us. Thank you Norm for your service and all you do for our Veterans.
A few weeks ago, VetsNet put the word out that they are short on funds due to the COVID virus. Donations are down and their emergency assistance fund is at a critically low point. Their needs are overwhelmingly focused on housing and food. We always help out VetsNet with funds going to individual Veterans in need, so we decided to answer this “umbrella” call too, and help a number of Veterans.
With our donation I included a note with just one question "Could half of this check be used for Christmas presents for the children of Veterans?" When I received the answer, yes, I felt complete joy. I am told that some "Elves" from VetsNet purchased all sorts of children's gifts and since my note, 9 Veterans and their families have come to VetsNet with compelling financial needs, and all went home with presents for their children.
Thank you OAG members for your donations which helps with needed assistance for our Veterans and has allowed some children of Veterans to still have a Merry Christmas in these bizarre times we are living in.
We've helped out Custom Canines in the past and we're here for them again. They are dedicated to raising, training, and giving service dogs to individuals with disabilities, free of charge. From military Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, children with autism, people who are visually impaired or wheelchair bound, they enable people to live fuller lives with their canine partners by their side. OAG is very proud to donate to help those who have difficulties managing everyday tasks that you and I might take for granted. Thank you OAG members for your donations. We all are making in difference.
Well isn't this a fine Merry Christmas! US Navy Veteran Boyce, served 4 years in some out of the way places. One week ago, his landlord notified him that he sold the property and that he had to vacate the premises by December 14th. Wow! So he found another place to live but at this time, did not have enough for the security deposit. If OAG did not come through, he would be on the streets. Well, OAG did come through and paid for his security deposit, so Veteran Boyce will have a Merry Christmas after all. This is why OAG was founded. To give back to those who have sacrificed so much for us. Thanks OAG members! We'll keep doing the small stuff that means so much to our Veterans.
We were asked to help out VetsNet with some much needed Pick & Save gift cards for our Veterans. These gift cards are given to our Veterans when they pass through VetsNet to find jobs or housing. With them, they purchase personal hygiene products, laundry detergent, paper & pens, food, etc.
We were able to purchase enough gift cards to help out quite a few Veterans. I received a call from VetsNet today saying that a Veteran they were helping, just lost it when presented with a gift card. He said “You just don’t know how much this means to me!!” He had been homeless for just over a year when he found out about VetsNet. They found him housing but he needed more to get on his feet. With our gift card, he will be able to set himself up with all the little stuff that means so much.
As always, we are so proud to help out this Veteran and the many more that will come in the days and months ahead. Thank you all for your support of the One Act of Giving foundation. Know that your help means so much to our Veterans.
After the September 11th attacks, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Mario D. felt a calling to serve our nation. He served in three deployments: Afghanistan in 2003 - 2004, and two tours in Iraq in 2005 - 2006 and 2008 - 2009. It was in 2009 when his unit's vehicle was hit with an IED (improvised explosive device) and he suffered a massive hit to his head.
In 2010, Sergeant Davis began to show signs of loss of balance, strength, and movement on his left side. At just 28 years-old, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, which doctors believe was a direct result of the traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder he endured while in service to our country. He medically retired in 2013 after 11 years of service. Davis received numerous medals and commendations during his time in the Army, including the Combat Infantryman Badge and Army Commendation Medal.
Sergeant Mario is married with 3 children. His wife serves as his full time care giver. The VA covers many of his medical bills but not all and they are adding up. So much so that they were behind on their rent. Facing eviction, the One Act of Giving foundation stepped in and paid that bill removing that burden from their lives. Moving forward, with the help of other resources, their income now is such that they can live comfortably.
We are so proud to help our Sergeant Mario and his family. We thank him for his service to our country. He has sacrificed so much to protect us. Thank you all for your donations to OAG. We do the small stuff that means so much to our brave Veterans.
Thousands of service men and women in the military, and their spouses, put their trust and hope in God. Frequent relocation, separation, and other unexpected changes make it especially important for service members and their families to look to God as their rock.
Today OAG donated to The Word Among Us. They support our military men and women in uniform by giving them free global access to their monthly pamphlet of complete Catholic Mass and Daily Meditation. This pamphlet brings faith to service men and women who lack access to the sacraments.
OAG members, with your help, we are able to help The Word Among Us bring God closer to our military service men and women. Thank you all for supporting OAG to help our military where needed. Blessings.
I received notice that Private First Class Carolyn P. needed some help so the One Act of Giving foundation jumped in. Carolyn spent 3 years in the United States Army stationed in some pretty dicey places. She is 60% service connected disabled. When her landlord decided to raise her rent by $160.00 per month, she just couldn’t afford that. VetsNet stepped in and found her a larger place to live, at the rent she was paying before this latest raise in rent. But she didn’t have enough for the security deposit so we took care of that and took care of her first month’s rent. This burden was thrown at her and we all helped to lighten the load on her shoulders.
OAG could not do this without your continued help. I never know how to say thank you in a way that conveys how much we appreciate you so I’ll just say, thank you so much for being a part of this foundation. 100% of your donations will reach a Veteran this year.
Thanks to all our members, we were able to donate to the Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce COVID-19 Relief Fund to help our in need Veterans. WVCC supports and promotes nonprofit organizations serving the needs of Veterans and military service members in Wisconsin. Everyone is hurting during this COVID-19 outbreak, and that includes our Veterans.
Whether it's housing service providers forced to shut down shelters, food pantries being shut down or scaled back, employment resources overwhelmed by increased demand, or the disruption of services for mental health care and treatment, Veterans across Wisconsin are being impacted because these organizations are not able to meet their needs.
All proceeds will go to nonprofit social services providing housing, health and wellness, and economic empowerment services to Veterans, and to service members and their families. Thank you OAG members for making this donation possible. We’re all doing what we can do to help.
Everyone is struggling with this Corona Virus and our local Veterans are not excluded. On Thursday, I received a call from VetsNet asking if we could help out with purchasing grocery gift cards for our Veterans. So, on behalf of all of us, I said of course. Their food bank is nearly depleted so they’re going the gift card route for awhile. We were able to purchase 2 weeks of grocery gift cards for 12 Veterans, or 6 Veterans and their families depending on who comes in for these gift cards. I agreed to help out again if they can’t get enough organizations to pitch in. Usually they do pretty well with donations. Thank you OAG members once again for your continued support of our local Veterans. This means so much to them.
Corporal Robert W. is a 33 year old Veteran who moved back to his home town of Milwaukee, with his service dog, from Texas for a job at the Milwaukee VA. VetsNet found him housing and the Veteran was able to pay his security deposit and first month’s rent (February) but his service dog became ill and the veterinary bills set him back. He is now a month behind in rent (March) and won’t be able to pay April’s rent. The dog is recuperating but it really took a toll on his budget. He served 6 years in the Army and medically retired as a Corporal after deploying to Afghanistan for 1 year.
VetsNet reached out to donors to help cover the cost of March and April’s rent at which point he will be able to cover the cost himself from that point on.
OAG understands that veterinary costs can add up quickly and a Veteran needing a service dog is naturally essential to their well being. We were able to pay his back rent and we understand that another donor was able to make sure his April rent was paid.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice Robert and we hope your service dog and you spend many, many years together. And thank you OAG members for helping out another Veteran needing a hand up.
Veteran Marie L. spent 6 years in the Army during Desert Storm and left with an honorable discharge. She’s 60% disability rated, caused by service to our country, and works for Impact 2-1-1, the emergency line in Milwaukee for people in crisis. Often, her disability makes it hard for her to go to work. She could work from home if she had a laptop. When OAG heard this we went to work and were able to find a really great deal on a used laptop with lots of bells and whistles. Talk about putting a smile on someone's face! She was elated. Now when she is unable to physically get to work, she doesn't miss a beat, or a paycheck. Thanks to all OAG members for making this happen for Marie who sacrificed 6 years of her life for us. Thank you Marie for your service!
I attended a meeting the other night regarding how OAG can help our Veterans. After the meeting a Veteran (Norm) approached me with a sad story of how he is housing an Army Veteran who served in Afghanistan (Arnie). Norm is on a fixed income and really doesn't have extra money to support another person, but told me "I'll do anything to help another Veteran". Norm is a class act and it was an honor meeting him. He asked if I could help out with some groceries. Naturally I said yes but then I said "I'll do you one better!" His eyes lit up. I asked if he had ever heard of VetsNet and the answer was no. I told him to take Arnie there and both of you will benefit from their help. Long story short, I just found out that VetsNet found Arnie housing, a part time job, and is helping him with receiving VA benefits and medical help. VetsNet does some remarkable work and we are proud to be partnered with them to do whatever OAG can do to help our Veterans. So Norm doesn't have to worry any longer about his fellow Veteran and Arnie is on the road to a better life. Quite an evening to be part of. Thanks to VetsNet, thanks to you OAG members, and many thanks to Norm and Arnie for their service to our country.
AMVETS Post 37......
We were able to donate to Post 37 again this year to help with the many kind things they do for our Veterans. They coordinate with the VA and take Veterans out for pancake breakfasts, spaghetti dinners, out to county area parks, movies, or maybe just a drive down Lake Drive. These Veterans are mostly WWII and Korean War Veteran’s between the age of 85 years old to 97 years old. They do not get out of the VA often enough and we’re honored to be able to give them some time away from the VA. Among the many events planned that OAG is helping out with this year is a trip to Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center in Manitowoc. Gentlemen, enjoy the planned events for you this year and thank you for your service to our country.
Army Private 1st Class Keenan M. is currently under going cancer treatment. The veteran lives off $360 a month. Hudvash pays the majority of his rent, leaving the veteran responsible for the rest. Due to an error in VA pay, the veteran only received $200 for the month of January. VetsNet covered 1 month of his rent and provided a $20 bus card and a couple local food gift cards. Once this bus card runs out, the veteran will not have funds for bus travel to his cancer treatments. The veteran also doesn’t have any money left for the month. So OAG stepped in and provided 3 months worth of bus passes (it goes on a card) 3 months rent and a gift card for 1 month worth of groceries and some walking around money. We hope the VA gets his benefits straightened out soon and we hope and pray his cancer goes into remission. Thank you for your service Keenan and may God bless you.
Seaman Otis C. / US Navy / Purchased Gas & Grocery Cards
Petty Officer Otis served 3 years in Japan. He was in college but could not go back this semester because he just could not afford it. He needed to find a job so he contacted VetsNet. They immediately found him work but he will not be paid for 2 weeks so OAG helped him out with gas and groceries for that time period and more.
Milwaukee police officer Matthew Rittner
Officer Rittner was shot and killed on 2/6/19 while serving a warrant with the Milwaukee Tactical Enforcement Unit. A U.S. Marine, he was deployed twice to Iraq. Matthew was in vehicles hit three times by roadside bombs and was in a 4 1/2 hour firefight in which a fellow Marine was killed. He leaves behind his wife and young son. We were able to donate to his gofundme account for his family.
AMVETS Post 37......
are a group of Veterans that donate their time helping Veterans at the VA. One of the many things they do is take Veterans out for pancake breakfasts, out to county area parks, movies, or maybe just a drive down Lake Drive. So when OAG agreed to help out, we were asked what we would like to do. Long story short, it was agreed that the Post would take a group of Veterans from the VA out for a spaghetti dinner. It turns out that these Veterans, mostly WWII and Korean War Veteran’s, like to play Bingo and love cash prizes. So after the spaghetti dinner, there will be Bingo. These Veteran’s range in age from 85 years old to 97 years old. They do not get out of the VA often enough and we’re honored to be able to give them a night out. Gentlemen, thank you for your service to our country. Win big!!
Private First Class Laman W. / US Marine Corp / Assisted with rental security deposit
Private First Class Laman served 6 years in the Marine Corp. Recently he was forced to move from his apartment due to a landlord that wasn't keeping up with maintenance. The VA pays for some of his rent but not for the security deposit. He couldn't move in until he raised the security deposit and that would have taken another month. We were able to step in and pay his security deposit so he could move in right away.
Private First Class Robert R. / US Army / Energy and Grocery assistance
Private First Class Robert served 5 years in the Army and was stationed in Beirut and Grenada. Having car trouble, he spent a lot of money to have it fixed so he could get to work. Falling behind in payments to We Energies, we assisted him to get him caught up with that and was able to purchase groceries to hold him over for awhile.
58, 479. That’s the latest number of American soldiers that died in the Vietnam War. 1,157 were from Wisconsin. When the One Act of Giving Foundation heard that there was an exact replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall being built in Perryville, MO., we started talking about taking a group of Veterans there to visit their Memorial. On May 4th & 5th, we took our inaugural trip to Missouri’s National Veterans Memorial / America’s Vietnam Wall. It is about a 7 hour trip from Milwaukee. It is located 1 ½ hours south of St. Louis. Here is the link to their website.
Bob & I were honored to take Command Sergeant Major Ralph B. / Petty Officer Third Class Stanley L. / First Lieutenant John F. / and Sergeant First Class and Purple Heart Recipient Monte L. to their Memorial. It was a moving, and perhaps healing, experience for these brave men. Not a dry eye in the bunch. They shared stories, some funny, some sad. It was an eye opener for us.
If it wasn’t for your participation, OAG couldn’t do what we do. These four men “ordered” me to say thank you to everyone for your generosity. So, thanks to all of you. Many times I heard them say, “We can’t believe you’d do this for us.” Our answer was always the same, “You deserve it.”
Thank you gentlemen for your service and we wish you all the best in the future.
Missouri's National Veterans Memorial
Paying tribute to all of our service men and women and their families and provide an environment for peaceful reflection, with an exact replication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C. Names of 1,157 Wisconsin Veterans are on this wall.
As you are well aware of, we at OAG take care of the small stuff, and perhaps the little different stuff, for our Veterans. But I can assure you, our Veterans really appreciate our help. You can always check out what we have done for our Veterans on our Recipients Page.
Recently, we were asked to donate money to pay for a dozen WWII and Korean war Veterans to travel to Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center, in Manitowoc, WI. While visiting, our Veterans will enjoy a farm tour, a hands on display (petting area) and there is always the possibility of seeing a calf birth, along with other interesting activities.
It gets the Veterans out of the VA Center and into a totally different environment. These fine men range in age from 85 to 97 years old and will be taken care of at every turn of this trip by volunteer chaperones.
We are honored to give these Veterans the opportunity to have a little fun for the day, and as always, we thank these Veterans for their service to our country. Enjoy the day gentlemen!
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a real problem for some Veterans. Private 1st Class Terry is a 12 year Army Veteran. Terry has had some problems coping with this disorder and has fallen on hard times. VetsNet was able to find him housing and employment, but that all takes place in 1 month. The VA and CVI helped out but fell a little short, so OAG was asked to step in with housing assistance. We did that but also purchased a gift card for him so he could purchase some much needed clothing. Terry is getting treatment and thanks to VetsNet, the VA, CVI and OAG, Terry is on his way to a healthier future. We wish him the best. Once again, we all performed one act of giving. Thanks to all of you.
All too often, a Veteran falls through the cracks. Regulations and restrictions often prevent them from qualifying for some programs. This is what happened to Private 1st Class Glen M. Glen served 3 years with the US Navy.
Anyone who served on active duty in the military MAY be eligible for at least some VA benefits. But the VA can't provide full benefits for all Veterans. So the VA has set up a complicated priority system to determine Veterans' benefits and out of pocket costs.
So thanks to VetsNet, who gets help from organizations like us (OAG) and others, they can help Veterans that the VA doesn't help.
Glen needed a job and housing which VetsNet found for him. But he needed some work shirts, work pants, socks and underwear so we supplied him with that with a Fleet Farm gift card. He also needed food for a week so we purchased an Aldi gift card for him.
I was visiting VetsNet one day when Glen just happened to walk in. I was introduced to him and Glen was told what we did for him. You would have thought that we had just given him a million dollars. He was so appreciative.
I told him it is a group effort and that we all thank him for his service. Thank you OAG members. This foundation would not exist without your continued support. We do the little stuff that means so much to our Veterans. You're the best!
Private First Class Brendan L. / US Army / needed some help with his school registration. Without our help, he would not have been able to continue on with his studies. We certainly didn’t want that to happen so we were happy to write a check to MATC on his behalf.
Corporal Danielle P. / US Army / requested help after losing everything in a house fire. Danielle has 2 children and, as you can imagine, were just devastated by this loss. Thank goodness she is employed, and has received help through many sources, but she needed help with replacing children’s clothing, backpacks, and school supplies. Thanks to OAG, she is now good to go in this department.
Sergeant Lonnie R. / US Army / served 2 tours in Afghanistan, Sergeant Lonnie spent a total of 6 years in the US Army. He saw a lot and most of it was not good. Because of his time in battle, he suffers from PTSD. He has trouble concentrating and is easily startled, just to name a few symptoms he suffers with. He holds down a job but there are days when he just can’t work. His employer understands but he doesn’t get paid if he misses work. Over the last few months, he has been having more difficulty regarding his PTSD, and so he has fallen behind in rent. He has been getting medical attention and is doing much better now, but being behind in rent was weighing heavy on him. So OAG stepped up and helped him get out of this jam. Sergeant Lonnie is on the right track to recovery. He says with the medical help he is getting, he will be able to stay at work, pay his bills, and be productive. We certainly wish him all the best and we are so happy to be able to help. Thank you for your service Sergeant Lonnie and thanks all OAG members for making this happen.
Stars and Stripes Honor Flight Wisconsin
Flying WWII, Korean, and Vietnam war Veterans to Washington, DC to visit their memorials. Flights are funded by donations from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other groups who wish to be an important part of honoring these hero's. OAG is very proud to donate to this worthy cause for the 2nd year. Thank you Veterans for your service.
Christmas with the Vets is hosted by Jeff (Doc) Dentice (Vietnam Army Medic & hero, although he will say no) and his crew held at the VA Medical Center. OAG is honored to have donated to this great event. This is their 32nd annual Christmas program for our brave Veterans and we can’t thank them enough for doing this. We were able donate enough money to help out with purchasing hooded sweatshirts, flannel shirts, sweat socks, winter gloves, and other necessities like toothpaste, shampoo, etc. We were also able to purchase gift cards from Target, Walmart, McDonalds, and Burger King. It is the little stuff that OAG does that means so much for these Veterans. It humbles us to be able to do what we do. Thanks to all of our bowlers and sponsors who make this all possible. Wishing all our brave Veterans a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you today and always.
VetsNet (Wisconsin Veterans Network) collaborates with more than 75 partners in Milwaukee, and OAG is proud to be one of those partners. VetsNet is run by Veterans and they find housing or employment or both, for any Veteran who wore the uniform in active duty, reserves, National Guard, overseas, stateside, war or peacetime, front lines or in the rear. VetsNet refers many of the Veterans they help to OAG for assistance where they fall short on funds for. OAG aids these Veterans with assistance in back rent, energy assistance, medication, schooling, minor home repairs, food, clothing and more. Any of these areas can be a crisis piling on others, so thank you OAG members. We're doing good things for our Veterans. We are humbled to partner up with these brave Veterans helping other brave Veterans.
Korean war Veteran US Army Sergeant E5 Robert H. passed away October 31st 2019. His family needed assistance bringing his body home from Florida to Wisconsin to be laid to rest with his wife of 60 years who passed away in 2011. OAG is proud to be able to monetarily help out where needed in his journey home. Thank you for your service Robert. May you rest in peace.
Veteran Corporal Specialist Roosevelt J. spent 3 years in the US Army dodging bullets and land mines, while Veteran Airman First Class Jeremiah R. (a leader and role model for his fellow airmen) spent 4 years in the US Air Force. Both Veterans, after serving, through no fault of their own, fell on hard times. Both families were homeless until they walked into VetsNet. Housing and jobs were found for them and VetsNet put out the word that they would not have a Christmas without our help. OAG purchased a sizable gift certificate for both families that will cover food, clothing, presents and more. They are also getting help from other people and organizations. We thank them for their service and pray the future will hold much happiness for them.
Homes for our Troops
Builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured
post 9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives. 5 homes have been built in
Wisconsin to date with 1 breaking ground in Franklin, WI in 2019! We were able to
donate money that will go toward a specially equipped kitchen for this Veteran. We
are very proud to be able to help out with this project.
Staff Sergeant William D. / US Army / Assisted with rent payment.
William lost his benefits with the VA because of an office error. Great! He got behind in his rent.
We took care of that and relieved some of his financial pressure.
Corporal Rochelle L. / US Army / Assisted with Energy payment.
Rochelle had heart surgery and missed a few energy payments. She is
doing well and will be going back to work soon.
Fisher House Wisconsin
Support & Comfort for Military & Veterans' families, at
no cost, while their loved one receives care. Contributions from individuals, foundations, and
businesses, help sustain the Fisher House.
Corporal Rebecca H. / US Army / Assisted with rent payment.
Corporal Rebecca is on medical leave from work and is having financial difficulties.
We pray this money will ease some of the pressure she is under.
Staff Sergeant Alan H. / US Army / Aided with a business start up.
We were able to purchase items needed, and pay all Federal and State fees, to enable Alan to start
his own 501c3 charity business. Alan is now aiding other Veterans (at no charge) with receiving
benefits and getting them housing. A 10 year Veteran himself, he knows the difficulties involved
getting Veterans back ontheir feet, and he simplifies this process for many Veterans.
Stars and Stripes Honor Flight Wisconsin
Flying WWII, Korean, and Vietnam
war Veterans to Washington, DC to visit their memorials. Flights are funded by donations
from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other groups who wish to be an important
part of honoring these hero's.
Corporal Thomas W. / US Marine Corps / Purchased 2 months of phone cards.
Corporal Thomas is looking for work and so having a working phone is imperative.
Private First Class Stephen B. / US Army / Purchased grocery gift card.
Private Stephan has had to make some difficult choices with limited resources.
He's paying his rent but he goes hungry to often.
OAG helped him out for awhile. We pray things turn around for him.
Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce
Providing resources for Veterans to start their own business, bringing together
community leaders and community support, to ensure their success.
Lance Corporal Anthony W / US Marine / Purchased 1 month of groceries.
His benefits do not start until mid July 2018 so we helped him out until then.
Staff Sergeant Andrew M / US Army / Purchased 6 weeks of groceries.
His benefits do not start until August 1st 2018. At least he'll have groceries until then
Missouri's National Veterans Memorial
Paying tribute to all of our service men and women
and their families and provide an environment for peaceful reflection,
with an exact replication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C.
Names of 1,157 Wisconsin Veterans are on this wall.
Sergeant Anthony P / US Army / Purchased 1 month of groceries.
His benefits do not start until mid July 2018. He was very grateful for OAG's help.
Staff Sergeant Alan B. / US Army / Helped with rent payment.
Alan had to make a decision, to purchase a back brace after surgery,
that his insurance didn't cover, or pay his rent. He went for the much
needed back brace. When we found out, we took care of 2 months
rent for him so he wouldn't have to worry how and when he would
be able to catch up on his rent.
Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin
We house homeless Veterans while supplying them with all the tools
needed to break the cycle of homelessness and help them to once
again become productive members of society.
For All The Right Reasons
Helping homeless and unemployed Veterans.
Veterans' needs never stop. Neither should our appreciation and generosity.
Contact John Petek at
Custom Canine Service Dog Academy
CCSDA raises, trains, and places service dogs with Military Veterans and others
with disabilities, free of charge. OAG happily supports their efforts.
Christmas with the Vets
OAG was able to help with a donation for the 31st annual Christmas with the Vets
Holiday Show held at the Zablocki VA Medical Center. Wishing our brave Veterans
a Very Merry Christmas!!